

A photographer, a traveller, a dreamer.

I was born in Cagliari in 1981. I have always been passionate about travelling and photography. I was lucky to travel extensively and combined these two passions during my trips. I first took up photography as a hobby. At that time I was living in Australia and I began learning photography on my own. And, when I returned to Italy, in my home town in Sardinia, I enrolled on courses, photographic workshops and spent a great deal of time studying and practicing my skills to further my knowledge of photography. All the hard work paid off and I became a professional photographer. I am now able to use my passion as a means to make a living. What is photography for me? For me, photography is a form of telling stories, a means of communication to express my thoughts and feelings. Photography taught me how to open my eyes and be fully aware of the world. My focus is fundamentally create a link between the spectator and the subject in its most realist form.
But photography is not only a means of communication, it represents a way to travel using your mind to escape the daily routine. This is the reason why I aim to capture as much life, abstract meaning and tangible substance from the subject and background. The viewer will see photographs and will imagine being there.


I have been to India, Nepal, Perù, Bolivia, Australia, Vietnam, Cambodia, New Zealand and in so many other places that have given me so much joy. I can’t wait to find out which country is going to be the next!


Until now, I have kept good company in my adventures as a photographer. With each of my cameras I have taken different pictures, and each picture says a little about myself, the subject and the setting.


During my life I travelled a lot and I relocated all around the world, even on board of a cruise for 6 months.


My pictures are exactly like me: they love to travel. Some of them have been published in trade magazines, newspapers and blogs and I have participated in photographic exhibitions.

Corriere della Sera
Publication of a Mamoiada’s Mammuthones Carnival photographic reportage taken with an iPhone 11 Pro Max. The main goal was to represent a professional photographic work using only a smartphone.

IPA – International Photography Awards
In 2020, a picture I took in India entitled “Ready, Steady, Go India” received an honourable mention on a competition between professional and amateur photographers, under IPA SPECIAL, TRAVEL / WANDERLUST category.

The Independent Photographer
This magazine collaborated with prestigious agencies such as Magnum Photos, National Geographic, Vogue and Geo and chose “Ready Steady, Go India” among hundreds of beautiful photographs.

Digital Camera
The picture of the child from Jodhpur (India) was published by this internationally renowned professional photography magazine that explores projects publications and provides practical tips related to photography.

Andos Photo Studio
Project specialized in commercial and interior design photography which aims to help entrepreneurs to stand out on the web and make communication and digital promotion more effective.

Atma: Sguardi del Nepal
In February 2019, I inaugurated my own photographic exhibition in Nepal with the collaboration of Cagliari’s School of Photography La Bottega della Luce where I first started to study photography.

Festival dell’Oriente
In 2019 I had the pleasure to exhibit some of my works from my time in Nepal. This event is held in some of the biggest Italian cities and gives the viewers to see and feel the fragrances, the flavors and the faces from south-east Asia.

L’altro Viaggio – India
In January 2020, I exhibited photographs from my trip to India at Cagliari’s Lazzaretto, as always collaborating with the School of Photography La Bottega della Luce. This project was among the most important and significant I had the fortune to take part in.

In the interview for American Wired, I was able to share my impressions about iPhone 12 Pro Max as a device to take professional photographs.